Every once in awhile you find yourself having to eat your words (no pun intended). Usually, I'm pretty guarded about what I say with no disclaimer so I won't have to come back later and try to backtrack. There are a lot of things in life that are subject to opinion and should be stated as such, a lot of things that are facts and should be checked before claiming, and a lot of things which can be disproved with new information that need a disclaimer. Usually, if you make sure that your opinion is stated as an opinion, your facts have been checked, and you admit you don't know everything there is to know about the given topic, you're pretty safe.
But honestly... who goes to those lengths when you're writing about yourself?
Remember when I told you that I wasn't an emotional eater? Well... I take it back. New evidence has come to light that would seem to disprove that claim. As the middle of week 3 showed me, I AM an emotional eater. I just don't often get upset enough for it to shine through. But when I did, I found myself feeling this 'need' to indulge myself in flavors. Throughout the day I wanted to munch at a whole new level. My mind was unsettled and I couldn't be still, resulting in (real or imagined) hunger and cravings that outdid the ones I had felt clear back at the beginning of the month. And when DH and I stopped at BWW for supper and my dish of plain ol' 'Naked Tenders" was placed in front of me, I thought I might cry. While he half-way sympathetically smiled before digging into his gooey, saucy, juicy wings I had to force myself to simply grab a lemon out of my water and squeeze it over the top of my chicken.
It was another surprise for me; a discovery about myself. But as I sat there and bit into my 7-sanctioned meal I took a deep breath... and then another... and another... and I settled down to enjoy the evening, 'Naked Tenders' and all. Sure, I still wanted to reach over and steal a few fries from DH as I'm wont to do, and when we next go there I likely will. But to be able to have a breakthrough like that in a problem you didn't even know you had is amazing. In the space of 24 hours I learned that I was an emotional eater AND that I didn't have to be. Well done, God. No better teacher than You!
I'm so grateful for the lessons I am learning during this challenge. Some have taken me off guard; they've been totally unexpected. Others were ones I had already been contemplating before starting; they've been built upon. All of them have been valuable and I expect them to continue to do the gradual work of changing my heart, my life, and my world. Now there are only a few days left of the food month and then I will be delving into month #2. I can only imagine what is in store for me there as I face all of the same indulgent habits along with all the new facets of consumerism it brings.
But I'm getting ahead of myself... this month isn't over. Bring on the last 3 days!!!
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